McDeLicious integration to OpenMC

Hi everyone,

I have never posted in this forum before though I have solved many issued thanks to it.

I came across with this McDeLicious code which is an extension of MCNP and is able to solve stripping reaction Li(d,n) like the ones expected to happen in IFMIF-DONES facility.

I found this paper where Yuan Hu et al. (2021) were able to integrate this ‘module’(?) into OpenMC.
Benchmarking and verification of the OpenMC code for accelerator-based neutron source analyses - ScienceDirect

Does anybody of you have some experience on this? I would be interested in playing a bit with this McDeLicious thing.

Thank you.

I’ve not used McDelicious but I think a few of the co authors of that paper are on this forum. This would be a great feature, particularly for the fusion community and IFMIF simulations.

I guess a compiled source could reproduce the McDelicious source.

Very interesting, I didn’t know about this feature @Shimwell. Thank you.

How would you use it? Could you tag the co-authors so we could start this discussion?