Have dD reactions been implemented in a similar fashion to d+Li? Is this something a user can setup, by pointing towards appropriate cross section data or does it remain the case that one bypasses this issue with fixed source definitions?
Many Thanks
At present, OpenMC can only simulate neutron and photon transport, so it’s not possible to do any charged particle transport to study D-D reactions or otherwise. Maybe one day!
I see!
I was encourage by the following and I was wondering if this work could be extended.
In that paper, it looks like they’re creating a neutron source based on a D transport simulation in a modified version of MCNP. In principle, you could do the same thing for D-D (simulate it in MCNP or another code) to get a neutron source that would be usable in OpenMC, but it doesn’t sound like a trivial task 
I must have misunderstood. It seemed to me the authors rewrote a mcnp process into openmc.
Thank you!