how to define a type of particle for source

Hi guys,

First of all, I would be grateful to all contributors for the openmc project. I am working on a medical nuclear reaction based on accelerators (in my case is cyclotron) typically which called radiopharmaceutical production. I would like to simulate the nuclear reaction which caused by a 15MeV proton beam bombards on a solid target. The products will be observed. Therefore I would like to know how to set/define a type of particle such as a proton, deuteron which is used as an openmc’s source.

Thank you in advance for replying my question.

At present, OpenMC does not support proton or other charged particle transport. Our developmental version has photon transport and a thick-target bremsstrahlung model for handling electrons, but we don’t have the ability to transport e-, p, or d. If you’re interested in such a capability, I would suggest opening an issue on our GitHub repository to keep track of it.

Best regards,