That looks like the binary file being executed is not the one installed with that conda command.
Perhaps you have another openmc in the PATH folders that is being found first.
You can see which openmc is being expected by default by typing
which openmc
Then with the full path of that openmc exectable typing in
/path/to/openmc --version
This should print out some info about the exectable including if it was compiled with dagmc.
I can think of 3 options in order of least hacky
You can find the exectable installed with that conda command and pass that path into the command which accepts an argument called openmc_exec — OpenMC Documentation
Or perhaps move adjust your PATH in your bashrc so that it doesn’t find the openmc that it currently finds. You could remove the folder to the compiled openmc executable or put that folder at the end of the PATH list instead of the start.
Or delete or move or rename the openmc exectable that was found with which openmc
Thanks so much @Shimwell , you were correct I had another openmc in the PATH folders. I passed the argument openmc_exec to and it worked perfectly. Thank you!