When is the OpenMC next release 0.11 coming?

Hello, I was wondering when is the OpenMC release version 0.11 is coming? Currently, with the latest version, 0.10 is not supporting burnup calculation and photon transport. For these currently the development version is requered, still there could be issue according to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/openmc-users/openmc.deplete/openmc-users/wB-XGHH8ypo/IFC6n1mzDwAJ

Is there any list of steps to follow for the development version to install in a fresh environment? I know this is the guide to follow in https://openmc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usersguide/install.html#usersguide-install

A summarization would be helpful.


Hi Sharif,

We’re hoping to do another release within the next few months, so be on the lookout for that. I do realize it’s been quite some time since the last release.

For a list of steps to follow installing the development version, the closest thing I have is this script which installs OpenMC using conda. I’m hoping to get it merged into the main OpenMC repository but it still needs a little work.

Best regards,

Hello Dr, paul I used the script you attached in the previous email and I was able to install it by running “bash openmc-conda-install.sh” in termianl. It finished the process. Now, I downloaded the https://github.com/openmc-dev/openmc/blob/develop/examples/python/pincell_depletion/run_depletion.py script as a python file and tried running it with python run_depletion.py in terminal. I see the error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “run_depletion.py”, line 2, in
import openmc.deplete
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘openmc.deplete’

What am I missing here? or do I not following the right way? Can you please guide me how do I run the run_depletion.py in devemplent mood of openmc? Thanks.

Hi Sharif,

Not sure if you ever got this working. It looks like the problem has to do with where OpenMC’s Python API got installed. Either 1) it didn’t get installed in a proper location or 2) it is installed in a conda environment and you need to activate that enrivonment in order to be able to import it. The script that I sent you will install OpenMC in an environment called openmc-py3.7 by default. To activate it, you should run:

conda activate openmc-py3.7

If that still doesn’t solve the problem, if you are able to run ‘import openmc’, you might want to look at openmc.file to see where OpenMC is being imported from. That directory needs to have a deplete/ subdirectory.
