Reactivating openmc-env After Mamba Install

A silly simple question, but I haven’t found the answer.

When following the Mamba-based installation process (using Miniconda3) on Linux the instructions leave you with “You are now in a conda environment called openmc-env that has OpenMC installed.”

After I deactivate that environment how do I get it back?

Running “source ./miniconda3/envs/openmc-env/bin/activate” I only get (base), the same as I get with “./miniconda3/bin/activate”.

In a new terminal it will probably open in the base conda environment

You can activate the openmc-env and enter that environment with the terminal command

conda active openmc-env


I believe that should be
conda activate openmc-env

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Yep sorry for that typo. Glad you got it from the cryptic clue :grin: