Issue installing with Mamba

Hi all,

I am trying to install OpenMC 0.13.2 using Mamba on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. When I enter “mamba search openmc”, as expected all versions are listed. However, using “mamba install openmc”, the OpenMC version that is being installed is 0.8.0. I have been unsuccessful in updating it with “mamba update --all” and “mamba install ‘openmc=0.13.2’”. Please, any recommendations?


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Thanks for posting.

Could you try adding the conda-forge channel to the command and perhaps try from a python 3.10 environment as I don’t see a python 3.11 openmc conda package quite yet (adding to todo list)

mamba create --name openmc_env python=3.10
mamba activate openmc_env
mamba install -c conda-forge openmc

Thanks @Shimwell for your response. I used the following commands and it worked:

conda create --name openmc_env python=3.10
conda activate openmc_env
conda install -c conda-forge openmc
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We now have OpenMc conda packages for python 3.11 :tada:

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This did not work for me. I am using Windows 10.

Could you please kindly mention all the steps from the beginning alongwith the command?

Unfortunately windows is not a supported OS for the conda install of OpenMC.

You might want to try docker or WSL windows subsystem for linux

I have installed WSL as well as Ubuntu. Now how do I proceed? The steps for installation in a Linux System? It did not work when I typed them neither on Windows Terminal nor on Ubuntu terminal. They are working only on Anaconda Prompt. But when I enter the command mamba search openmc, unfortunately it cannot.

Thanks, we have our openmc install instructions here

Quick Install Guide — OpenMC Documentation

Note that the first command must be preceded by the first step in the install instructions which is to install conda

Thank you for the immediate response. Probably I am confused a lot. I have conda installed from Miniconda and hence I have access to the Anaconda Prompt. But as I am using a Windows system, I have installed WSL 2 and Ubuntu. Now how do I install OpenMC. I am trying to follow the Installation ftom source but it is not able to locate libhdf5.

Just to check, Conda should be installed on Ubuntu inside of WSL, not on Windows outside of the WSL world.

However if you are installing from source then you also don’t need Conda.

The first command in the install from source section should install hdf5

sudo apt install g++ cmake libhdf5-dev libpng-dev

Well how do I install Conda within the WSL enviroment? And the command sudo apt install g++ cmake libhdf5-dev libpng-dev returned saying cannot locate libhdf5. Is it by any chance possible to have a meeting with you so that I can share my screen and get the issues resolved?

Instructions for installing Conda in a WSL Ubuntu environment
Installing on Linux — conda 23.3.0.post14+ed75abca3 documentation

We have a monthly meet up which you are welcome to attend for screen share

When apt install returns an error cannot locate this is normally due to the need to update the package manager. Here is a guide to solving that issue [Solved] “E: Unable to locate package” Error on Ubuntu (

I tried installing openmc 0.14.0 on MacOS Monterey version 12.7.1 Intel i7.

I followed the Quick Guide instructions for using conda → mamba and got this error at the very end:

`shayan ~ % mamba install openmc

Looking for: ['openmc']

filesystem error: in temp_directory_path: path "/private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.M3DWdA/tmp" is not a directory: Not a directory`