OpenMC capablities and limitations


I’m new to OpenMC. I did some of the general usage exercises (Pincell). I would like to know how capable OpenMC is. For example, Can it perform unsteady state simulations, can I calculate Co production over time as the power generation changes?

I want to know what kind of features are currently unavailable in OpenMC?
and what limits it in comparison to MCNP, Serpent, FLUKA, or TRIPOLI features and what output it could produce other than K value and flux?

Thank you!

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OpenMC does not currently do short-term transient simulations. However, it does include a depletion solver.

All the codes you listed have lots of bells and whistles. OpenMC has a wide feature set as well but it is surely missing features and capabilities that other codes have. Conversely, OpenMC has features that some of these other codes do not. It’s hard to go through each and every feature and list out what we do and don’t have. Scanning through our documentation should give you a give sense of what is available. If you have a question about a specific feature or need, I’d be happy to address that. At a very high level, OpenMC simulates the transport of neutrons and photons but does not do any transport of charged particles whereas MCNP and FLUKA do.