First ever Fusion and Fission Dev Survey

The University of Michigan’s Fastest Path To Zero is looking for answers to a survey on the current state of fusion and fission software! If you’ve ever wondered how the software you have created or use daily compares to the software other computational scientists employ, this survey is for you. Particularly if you’ve used OpenMC.

You can find the survey at

Please help us by filling out the survey ASAP, or sharing it far and wide with your contacts. It will remain open to responses for two weeks, until June 1.

The results will later be published online and be freely available to the whole fusion and fission communities.Think of this as the StackOverflow Dev Survey, but for our community.

This is a first step towards improving the User Experience of our industry. Exciting times ahead for software development in fusion and fission!

Andy Morales, PI
Aditi Verma, Co-PI

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