I guess ain’t possible to deplete while executing OpenMC in its multi-group energy mode, right? Anyhow, I think would be really great if this was possible. I mean, we could actually benchmark depletion capabilities of deterministic codes that employ multi-group XS’s, as well as not treatment of anisotropy in scattering for obtaining spectral distributions. Just a thought…
Thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Augusto,
It is not currently possible to deplete with OPenMC in multigroup mode. I agree it could be quite useful for exactly the purposes you point out. To do so will require: extension of the multigroup library to include additional reaction channel cross sections required for depletion but not needed for transport (e.g., (n,p) cross sections)), tieing in the multigroup mode to depletion (relatively minor changes would be necessary), and likely changes to the multigroup cross section API to have continuous-energy mode create the MGXS data for the new reaction channels.
I love the idea, but am currently directing efforts in other areas so this could take a bit of time.
Thanks for the idea!