Hi! Reading the way that MC codes does the particle track, makes me ask myself if OpenMC do Surface-tracking or Ray-tracing and if the capability to do Delta Tracking is planned for the nearest future.
Hi! Reading the way that MC codes does the particle track, makes me ask myself if OpenMC do Surface-tracking or Ray-tracing and if the capability to do Delta Tracking is planned for the nearest future.
@Fabri OpenMC currently uses surface tracking only. There has been some initial development of delta tracking that we’re hoping to get merged in the code in the near term, but right now there are no hard plans.
@paulromano Hi! I have another question but it may not be worthy to create a new topic. What is the maximum number of lost particles set by default in OpenMC? Thanks!
OpenMC has two values it checks for lost particles:
It will abort if you have at least max_lost_particles
that have been lost and the total fraction of particles that are lost is greater than rel_max_lost_particles
. Both of these values can be configured using the openmc.Settings
Thanks for the answer!