ERROR: Maximum number of lost particles has been reached

Hello everyone,
I am trying to build a Pin_Cell, the openmc model was divided into many cells, which I defined as a series of concentric cylinders and some planes to cut them. In detail, the entire model was divided into 14 layers along the z-axis. For each layer, every single fuel pellet was quartered, and each of its four layers was divided into 4 cells, along with which the cladding as quartered and altogether the coolant was divided into 4 cells as is illustrated in attached figure.

When I run the simulation, it breakdown with the ERROR:Maximum number of lost particles has been reached.AND Some Warnings.

I use the default boundary style with my cutting planes.
How to solve the Error? Here I attached my case, so that I can get your help soon.

Best regards!
geometry.xml (27.9 KB)
materials.xml (713 Bytes)
plots.xml (214 Bytes)
settings.xml (548 Bytes)
tallies.xml (1.5 KB)

Here’s an x-y slice plot of your model at z=12 (generated using the handy openmc-plotter tool):

You can see that there is one area that is lacking a cell definition, so when particles reach that they don’t know where to go (hence all the errors you’re seeing about lost particles).

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Hi @paulromano i’m facing the same problem as it shows the following,“Maximum number of lost particles has been reached” how i can i find the problem for my model?the particle is always lost for the same surface number.this is what i got using plotter,

sorry i was wrong, there are many surfaces like this.

Thank you Paul! You helped me fix this error.
So nice are you! Now the simulation is running safely!
About openmc-plotter, I am sure I have installed it, when from a directory containing an OpenMC model run: openmc-plotter . The importERROR appear, I don’t know what that means.

D071:~/VScodeProjects/singleOnePin$ openmc-plotter
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/lz/anaconda3/bin/openmc-plotter”, line 5, in
from openmc_plotter.main import main
File “/home/lz/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/openmc_plotter/”, line 8, in
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui
ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: krb5_ser_context_init, version krb5_3_MIT

Best regards!

Sorry to bother you, Paul.
About openmc-plotter, I have solved it by creating a new conda-env and use command:

conda install -c conda-forge pyside2

to install pyside2, and it works now.
Also see this post.

Best regards!

Hello, I am currently facing this exact issue, could you tell me if you found a solution to this? I have checked the overlapping geometries and so far, I could not find the reason behind this problem.

Thanks in advance.

Hi mo,
Take it easy and then review to check your code of the model, Maybe the gap remain in your model, be carefully to check.

The geometries were defined twice and they were overlapping, I was able to solve the issue.

Thank you.

Hello everyone!
I’ve been stuck on the same geometry error for a week now. I can’t figure out which cell contains the surface that is causing the geometry problem in Jupyter notebook.
I have attached my Jupyter code.
I need some help.

Thanks in advance!
DEA_OpenMC.ipynb (129.6 KB)