I am trying to run a core (that I had alrealy ran before) with a greater number of particles (1e6), but it seems to be freezing in a specific batch everytime I try it: I don’t get an error, but it keeps running indefinitely.
I tried running on a different computer, it still freezes in the same batch.
I don’t know if it is a relevant information, but I am running 400 batches and it freezes in batch 399.
Has anyone gone throught this and found a way to fix it?
Do you use mesh in your tallies? I had met the similar problem before. Decreasing the number of particles may can solve this problem.
I do use mesh filters, but I needed a larger number of particles anyways.
What helped me was changing the estimator: tally.estimator = ‘collision’. You can find more information in this post.
Thank you for your help!