Hi everyone,
Today my friend was running a model in openmc for different number of particles per batch but both the model had 250 batches.At first,he was running the model with 10000000 particles per batch with 250 batches.The main purpose of this was to see the plot of shannon entropy and keff but this happened(please check the screenshot)
After 108 batches I got a warning and after 130 batches the simulation stopped.I am attaching the file here 10000000 particles per batch
When my friend got the first warning,I decided to run the simulation myself.Since I didnt have a powerful processor like him,I decided run 100,000 per batch.Everything else was the same.I didnt have any errors like him while running the simulation.Then I asked my friend to do the same.I told him to run the simulation for 100,000 batches instead of 10000000.The simulation ran successfully.Here is all the input and output files 100,000 particles per batch
Why did he get the error while running 10000000 ???
Thanks in advance