I’m very new to the code but i’m working on some dose calculations using OpenMC and the PythonAPI. My input runs fine when I specify a small number of particles/batches however, I can see that the “python” freezes when I increase the number of particles past 20k and in some cases as low as 10k. Terminal doesn’t give any errors when this happens and I have to manually terminate the run.
Is there any general guide on what I can do to troubleshoot this?
Apologies if this has been already discussed or explained elsewhere but I failed to find a discussion on it anywhere else.
Welcome to the forum @Salah. What I would do is run your simulation with a smaller number of particles per batch until it completes. At the end, you should see an output showing the number of particles simulated per second. This should give you an estimate of how long each batch would take if you simulated more particles per batch. For example, if at the end, you see the calculation rate as 100 particles/second, then it would take approximately 200 seconds to simulate a single batch of 20k particles.
Simulation speed is affected by many factors: complexity of your model, number of nuclides present, what computing resources you are using, etc. Without knowing any details of your model or setup, it’s hard to point to anything specifically that would make it slow.