Hi all, I’m a little new using the software and I have a general question about simulating a neutron distribution for a given time. I have noticed that one can see the tracks, energy and time for a number of particles in the simulation output.h5. But, ¿there is a way to run the simulation for a given time in seconds?.I would like to save the state of the particles i.e, the neutron distribution, tracks, energies at that given time and then reuse them to resume the simulation after adjust some parameters of the volume and density distribution.
Thank you in advance.
@Daniel_Lopez Interesting question. Right now I don’t believe we have any way to stop particles at a given time to collect them, although that would be an interesting feature for transient applications. Are you aware of other MC codes that have a similar feature? I would be interested to see what the use of such a feature would look like from a user’s perspective.
CTME Computer Time Cutoff Card in MCNP,
Ah yes, I guess we need clarification. @Daniel_Lopez are you talking about physical time (from the particle’s perspective)? or a runtime cutoff (i.e., run the simulation for 10 minutes before stopping)? I assumed the former, but perhaps that was an incorrect assumption.
@paulromano and @yrrepy thank you for answering so fast. Yes, I was talking about physical time from the particle’s perspective. I mean, I would like to update the neutron distribution for, say, 1e-6 seconds, save the state and then run again with some parameters adjusted.
Thank you again.
Hello! Thank you again for your answers. I was thinking about a way to do this and I read the docs section about tracking particles. I saw the time parameter and that one can also apply a probability distribution of times. I wanted to ask you if maybe this could be used to obtain parameters that depends of time like in this paper. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.11197.pdf
Thank you a lot for your help!