The error is write here:
That is: Pymoab isn’t installed.
Maybe you just install moab packege from AUR can solve this:
git clone
cd moab
makepkg -si
paru -S moab
But I need say something: your questions is very easy to solve, just read the error code… So that means you are a new user on GNU/Linux or at least a basic user…
In this case I recomend don’t compile from source the code, because this is a advance way to install OpenMC that you have control about are you are installing or not (but you need to learn to solve the basic problems by yourself).
So I will let a script to install OpenMC from conda, that is much more easy to install because alredy come compilled. But you shoud read the OpenMC docs anyway: Quick Install Guide — OpenMC Documentation
paru -S nuclear-data miniconda3
echo """
[ -f /opt/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ ] && source /opt/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
#OpenMC Cross Sections
var=`echo /opt/nuclear-data/*hdf5 | head -n1`
export OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS=$var/cross_sections.xml
""" >> ~/.bashrc
source /opt/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n openmc-env openmc[version=0.14.0,build=nompi_py312hecd8f91_1]
This will install the miniconda3 aur package, use conda to create a envrolviment and install openmc in this envrolviment.
So every time you want to user openmc, you should activate this envrolvment after open the terminal:
conda activate openmc-env
If you don’t wanna this command every time after open the terminal, put on .bashrc:
echo "conda activate openmc-env" >> ~/.bashrc
You can figure out another versions of OpenMC with the command:
conda search openmc
Recently they release the 0.15.0 version.
Today this version is not on conda yet, but you can check it later and install new version when you want. For now you can start to use the 0.14.0 version.