ERROR: Failed to open HDF5 file with mode 'r'

Just trying to run the example pin cell code. Downloaded ENDF/B-VIII.0 data library. Put the following in my code:
Which is the right path.
Throws up the following error:

and then:
RuntimeError: Failed to open HDF5 file with mode ‘r’: /Users/sr/opt/x_sections/neutron/U235.h5 application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1) - process 0 [unset]: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=-1 : system msg for write_line failure : Bad file descriptor

Anyone know what’s gone wrong?

Never mind, fixed it. used:

import openmc_data_downloader as odd

libraries=[‘TENDL-2019’, ‘ENDFB-7.1-NNDC’],

from: GitHub - openmc-data-storage/openmc_data_downloader: A Python package for downloading h5 cross section files for use in OpenMC.

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Odd should also write out a minimal cross section XML file so you can use this to see what was missing. Perhaps it was just the h5 files location relative to the XML file. Congrats for solving it and good thinking to use added conda package files by shimwell · Pull Request #29 · openmc-data-storage/openmc_data_downloader · GitHub