Hello OpenMC community,
I’m encountering an issue with configuring the nuclear data library for OpenMC 0.15.0 on Linux and would appreciate your help.
Steps I’ve taken:
- Installed OpenMC 0.15.0 via Conda in a dedicated environment (
- Downloaded the
nuclear data library from the official OpenMC website.
- Extracted the database into the
directory (full path: /anaconda/envs/openmc-env/
- Set the environment variable:
export OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS=“/path/to/openmc-env/nuclear_data/cross_sections.xml”
Verified the path with echo
$OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS, which returns the correct path.
I think that i unzipping the database to the wrong location?
yes, try ls /path/to/openmc-env/nuclear_data/
and if you don’t see a cross_section.xml
file, you path is incorrect.
(openmc-env) a1@LAPTOP-HBQ9I19M:/mnt/c/Users/Hai/PyCharmMiscProject$ ls /home/a1/anaconda3/envs/openmc-env/endfb-vii.1-hdf5/cross_sections.xml
(openmc-env) a1@LAPTOP-HBQ9I19M:/mnt/c/Users/Hai/PyCharmMiscProject$ export OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS=“home/a1/
(openmc-env) a1@LAPTOP-HBQ9I19M:/mnt/c/Users/Hai/PyCharmMiscProject$ echo $OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS
why it cannot run? 
Hi Limitless,
Just to make sure, what is the error message shown when you do the openmc run?
Also, I recommend you move your endfb-vii.1-hdf5 folder (neutron, photon, cross sections.xml, etc) to your home/a1. You can create a new folder to make it more organized and so that your data lib is not that deep within the conda environment.