Ok thank you,
However, if I’m editing python on another text editor (let’s say vim) is there another way to display the figure when I run the python code ?
But maybe it’s out of the openmc topics.
I’ve done something like this:
and download it from my “my_openmc” container to windows:
Yes, I’ve also tried this option, unfortunately I’ve got no figure output
Maybe my session is not correctly configured ? ( I’m pretty noob with docker )
No I didn’t know this command !
But it still doesn’t work, I’ve got several error messages by calling matplotlib.use(‘qt5agg’), it look like it requires the ‘PyQt5’ package. But even after installing the pyqt5 package I still get an error message, " ‘Qt5Agg’ requires the ‘qt5’ interactive framework, as ‘headless’ is currently running".
After some investigations the problem has been faced here https://www.py4u.net/discuss/220645
I’ve enabled the terminal.integrated.inheritEnv but now docker fails to launch lol
(it’s in french, sorry “Pour pouvoir utiliser cette fonctionnalité, la console hérité doit être désactivée” means ->“For this functionnallity to be used, consol inheritence has to be disabled”)