I’m new to OpenMC and I’m trying to follow the first example - Modelling a Pincell.
When I get to the universe.plot(width=(2.0, 2.0), origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.1)) function, OpenMC crashes with the following error.
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[29], line 1
----> 1 universe.plot(width=(2.0, 2.0), origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.1))
ile ~/openmc/openmc/executor.py:125, in _run(args, output, cwd) 122 error_msg = ‘OpenMC aborted unexpectedly.’ 123 error_msg = ’ '.join(error_msg.split()) → 125 raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
RuntimeError: OpenMC aborted unexpectedly.
I’m on Mac Ventura 13.4 and I’ve tried installing OpenMC through Condaforge and building from source. I’ve used Juypter notebook to run the code and also tried running through VSCode - the same error occurs every time. I’ve also rebuilt OpenMC with the debug flag on, but no more information on the error is provided.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.