Hi, everyone!
Why doesn’t the corresponding plot appear after I execute the plt.show()
command? No error was reported after executing the command as well. I’m running openmc with docker. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you are running this as a python script inside a Docker container, plt.show()
will not work for you. If you want to save an image, try plt.savefig("filename.png")
. plt.show()
is more for Jupyter notebooks, which a lot of the examples are used in. You can also try the OpenMC plotter, though that might be a bit tricky to get to work within Docker. You might want to look into mounting with Docker so that the image you create is saved to a physical location on your system, rather than inside the Docker container (which probably vanishes after you close the container).
Checkout this link for more: Storage | Docker Docs. You might want to try the bind mount option
Ok, thank you very much for your answer!