OpenMC validation with experiment?

Have anyone had OpenMC simulation validation with the experiment? Such as Graphite Exponential Pile or other neutronics problem that has decent experimental results and procedures.

Thank you very much.

This might help:

There was a master’s thesis on a graphite pile OpenMC model last year:

The master’s thesis on a graphite pile OpenMC model looks great.
Does he provide an OpenMC code for benchmark?

Not to my knowledge!

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) has simulated one of the cases from the ZED2-HWR-EXP-001 criticality benchmark and compared to MCNP. Results where very good. The benchmark description provides an MCNP5 model.

I’ll also add that there are a whole collection of benchmark models from ICSBEP available here that are based on experiments.

ICSBEP benchmark models don’t provide an experiment method. (Or I don’t know where to find it?)
Thus, my professor won’t allow me to use it’s as a validation model. lol

What do you require? My recollection is that there are ZED-2 related experiments which have been published in the past. The methods have not changed much over time.

ICSBEP and IRPHE in my view are the gold standard for evaluating Monte Carlos.
The PDFs included have detailed descriptions of the reactors/piles/experiments, they go through fairly exhaustive analysis and descriptions on the uncertainties of different parameters and variations in them.

These benchmarks are commonly used to evaluate nuclear data libraries and cross-validate different MCs.

At operational reactors, validation of a reactor model and code is done comparing the calculations to purpose done measurements.
Sometimes some of this is published (OPAL, IIRC Watts Bar). But are generally less exhaustively detailed.