OpenMC Depletion via Terminal


I had a question regarding how to run the OpenMC depletion module through the terminal.

For some context, I have already developed the xml files for my model (geometry, materials, etc.) and am currently in the process of tweaking various settings (number of particles, batches, step sizes, etc.) for the purposes of evaluating assembly burnup.

On my potato PC, the code runs successfully via Spyder (albeit fairly slowly), so I’d like to be able to run it on our cluster, which can run OpenMC much faster.

The cluster does not support the Python integration however, so my intent was to use OpenMC on my PC to generate the xml files, which I could then edit/upload onto the cluster to run.

Right now, trying to run OpenMC on the cluster causes the run to stop after it finishes the first burnup step (the same thing happens if I run OpenMC via terminal on my PC). So my question is, is there a specific xml file/command that I would need in order to get OpenMC to deplete my assembly for subsequent burnup steps and using the depletion algorithm I specified.

Any assistance/clarification is appreciated.


The depletion solvers are written in python via the openmc.deplete package. There isn’t a way to run depletion entirely via the xml inputs at this time.
