No cross sections xml but i have it in my path?

First, here is the commands im entering into my terminal (MACos) to see if it recognizes my variable for cross sections:

Christians-MacBook-Pro-2:~ christianandresclaro$ echo $OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS
as you can see it returns the file within the proper directory. however when i try to run openmc it says it cant recognize the xml file. any mac users have any tips to verify if the environment variable is set up correctly?

(base) christianandresclaro@Christians-MacBook-Pro-2 code % openmc
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             | The OpenMC Monte Carlo Code
   Copyright | 2011-2023 MIT, UChicago Argonne LLC, and contributors
     License |
     Version | 0.14.0
    Git SHA1 | fa2330103de61a864c958d1a7250f11e5dd91468
   Date/Time | 2024-01-28 00:19:45

Reading settings XML file…
ERROR: No cross_sections.xml file was specified in materials.xml or in the
OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable. OpenMC needs such a file to
identify where to find data libraries. Please consult the user’s guide
at for information on how to set up data
(base) christianandresclaro@Christians-MacBook-Pro-2 code %

the issue has been resolved. modified the path and verified everything was correct. restarted computer and it worked.