No Cross Sections

Hello guys,

Recently I have tried and failed several times to run Openmc because it cannot find the Cross sections files. I have installed OPENMC through the develop branch in Github, and got the cross sections file and set them to the absolute pathway using ~/.bashrc. I have checked all my spellings and there is no error on the pathway to find the Cross sections files. However, an error message

No cross_sections.xml file was specified in materials.xml, settings.xml,
or in the OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS environment variable.

pops out whenever I typed openmc in the terminal.

Why is this and why are couldn’t OPENMC find the cross sections files when it is already specified?

Thank you all in advance,

hello Brian

Let me give my own example:
Step 1: vi ~/.bashrc ------ add this commond: export OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS="/home/user_name/nndc_hdf5/cross_sections.xml" -------- Save, exit
Step 2: source ~/.bashrc -------execute this file

在 2019年4月16日星期二 UTC+8上午10:13:40,Brian Chen写道:

1 Like

Yes I got it to work, thank you very much, I had a typo in the absolute path and didn’t see it.

Sorry for the hassel.


Tang Qi於 2019年4月16日星期二 UTC-7上午12時29分29秒寫道: