Hello, I’m new to OpenMC, and I’ve got code running. I found this example of a He3 detector. I would like to compare this to experimental results from a neutron point source.
While the total neutron flux is important, the detector has some efficiency which may be unknown. My question is whether it’s possible to use openmc to compare directly to the experimental results? Perhaps with getting the reaction rate with He3 instead of just the neutron flux? Thank you!
Wow I’m getting help straight from the source! I’ve read through the PR, and I see the brief discussion on applying the pulse height tally to neutrons. They mention that ‘absorption’ tally should be sufficient for neutron detectors.
I do agree that pulse height would be very interesting, but since He3 detectors simply provide count and don’t give spectroscopic data, the absorption rate would give the same results as an experiment. Am I thinking about that the right way?
If I have understood correctly then I think a tally with an EnergyFilter would be the closest thing I know of in the code. I would still recommend that PR with pulse height tally but perhaps an EnergyFilter is part of the way there
Scripts 2, 3 and 4 show use of such a filter to get a spectrum.
And I want to use two sources in my simulation. I tried to add the 2nd source in this way, but it didn’t work. How can I add the 2nd source? multiplesource.py (791 Bytes)
The F4 tally of MCNP5 was used to obtain the neutron fluence rate (in neutrons per cm2-s), and the reaction rate (in reactions s−1) of the (n,p) reaction (Equation 1) which was estimated to be equal to the experimental neutron counts