Dear Experts @paulromano @Shimwell , When I tried to view my depletion results, I encountered the following error. I wonder if it is an error caused by the new version. How can I solve this problem?
_, u235 = results.get_atoms("1", "U235")
_, xe135 = results.get_atoms("1", "Xe135")
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[14], line 1
----> 1 _, u235 = results.get_atoms("1", "U235")
2 _, xe135 = results.get_atoms("1", "Xe135")
File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openmc/deplete/, in Results.get_atoms(self, mat, nuc, nuc_units, time_units)
201 for i, result in enumerate(self):
202 times[i] = result.time[0]
--> 203 concentrations[i] = result[0, mat_id, nuc]
205 # Unit conversions
206 times = _get_time_as(times, time_units)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openmc/deplete/, in StepResult.__getitem__(self, pos)
101 mat = str(
102 if isinstance(mat, str):
--> 103 mat = self.index_mat[mat]
104 if isinstance(nuc, str):
105 nuc = self.index_nuc[nuc]
KeyError: '1'