Hi all,
I have encountered a very strange bug when using the latest develop branch of openmc. I am finding that the no. of atoms returned by the get_atoms function is a multiple of 4.4e46 off from my expected answer.
I ran the same simulation on the 0.11 version of openmc and 0.12-dev. And the 0.11 version gives the expected answer, while the 0.12-dev version gives the (expected answer * 4.4e46). I tested in on the simple pin cell example (simple_depletion_test.py).
To analyze the results, I used a jupyter notebook with these commands:
results_11 = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5(“depletion_results_11.h5”)
_time_11, u5_11 = results_11.get_atoms(“1”, “U235”)
results_12 = openmc.deplete.ResultsList.from_hdf5(“depletion_results_12.h5”)
_time_12, u5_12 = results_12.get_atoms(“1”, “U235”)
u5_11 = array([2.69709945e+20, 2.69162195e+20, 2.68615254e+20, 2.68068223e+20])
u5_12 = array([1.19201795e+67, 1.18959503e+67, 1.18717069e+67, 1.18475709e+67])
u5_12/u5_11 = array([4.41962920e+46, 4.41962152e+46, 4.41959523e+46, 4.41961033e+46])
The same result multiple difference is found for isotopes U238 and Xe135.
Gwendolyn Chee
simple_depletion_test.py (5.02 KB)