it is possible to specify the initial particle source spatial distribution, throughout the domain, from the fission site distribution from an earlier simulation? and what would the syntax be?
Yes, it is possible to use a source distribution from a previous simulation as the starting distribution for a new one. If you are using the Python API, it would look something like the following. When you are first generating your model, in your settings object, you could have:
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.sourcepoint = {‘separate’: True}
which tells it to write the source distribution separate from the normal statepoint file (that contains tally results and other metadata). Then, for a second simulation, you would tell OpenMC to use the source file that was written out previously with (assuming the previous simulation ran for 50 batches):
src = openmc.Source(filename=‘source.50.h5’)
settings.source = [src]
If you are doing this directly from XML, the above Python code would map to the following XML:
Best regards,
great, thank you very much.
Should I set photon_transport to true when using settings.sourcepoint = {‘separate’: True}?