I’m trying to get the dose calculation working following the discussion in this post: dose calculation - #16 by lorenzo
I am working with a human phantom and I’m trying to set up the code so that I can place the source somewhere in the body and then calculate the dose in selected organ(s). At the moment I only get a non-zero result for the most outer surface in the model (the skin). All other volumes inside the body give the result as zero (I have verified with OpenFOAM that the particles do move through the organs).
I tried to add CellFromFilter in the tallies to counter this problem but that doesn’t seem to be the solution. While using CellFromFilter even the skin gives a zero result.
I will add my tallies code here for reference:
energy_bins_p, dose_coeffs_p = openmc.data.dose_coefficients(particle='photon', geometry='AP')
energy_function_filter_p = openmc.EnergyFunctionFilter(energy_bins_p, dose_coeffs_p)
energy_function_filter_p.interpolation == 'cubic'
photon_particle_filter = openmc.ParticleFilter(["photon"])
cell_filter=openmc.CellFromFilter(922) #organ volume id
surface_filter=openmc.SurfaceFilter(tongue_surface_id) #choose your organ/bone
dose_tally = openmc.Tally(name="dose_tally_on_surface")
dose_tally.scores = ["current"]
dose_tally.filters = [
my_tallies = openmc.Tallies([dose_tally])
Is there a step I’m missing in my code? Or is there any other way to approach this problem?
I have double checked the ID’s in cubit to make sure that the error doesn’t occur from there.
Thank you for any help in advance