Units for transfer rates

Hi there,

This may be obvious… But I want to double check as it feels slightly ambigous to me!

For the units of transfer rates, I am not sure what they are. So the documentation says: “For example, to define continuous removal of xenon from one material with a removal rate value of 0.1 s-1 (or a cycle time of 10 s)…”

Is this say that there is 0.1 atoms removed per second or is it 0.1%? Or something else!


The removal/addition rate is basically obtained from dividing from material transfer efficiency with time unit. For calculation simplicity, usually we assume the efficiency as 100%, so that the formula become 1/time. This unit means that the material is removed for every time unit. So if there is a removal constant of 0.1 s-1, that means the materials are completely removed for every 10 seconds of burnup.

Hope that helps.