Unable to Install OpenMC on Ubuntu Through PPA

HI all,

I am trying to install OpenMC on Ubuntu through PPA but it show this :

How do I fix this?

Best and Regards,

Hi Kristina,

The PPA hasn’t been updated in quite some time. The issue you are seeing here is that there is no package for Ubuntu 18.04. At this point, we are more focused on getting the conda installation path working since that option will work on a wider variety of platforms/distributions.


It might be worth taking a quick look at distributions methods that work on multiple linux platforms and different versions such as flatpak , it could save some time maintaining different PPA https://flatpak.org/



Hi Jon – Thanks for chiming in. Flatpak does look like a good option compared to PPA. Unfortunately, we don’t really have the manpower to support many distribution mechanisms right now. Conda does enable installation on different Linux distributions as well as (hypothetically) different platforms, so that’s what I’d recommend at this point.

I see, thanks for your information
