"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'" when using `openmc --plot`

I have used a custom script (you can check it out here) to generate an OpenMC geometry file from an Serpent2 geometry file. I want to verify that it is correct, however OpenMC won’t let me plot the geometry:

 Reading cross sections XML file...
 Reading materials XML file...
 Reading geometry XML file...
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  stod
Aborted (core dumped)

What would cause this type of issue?

I’ve attached my plot, materials, and geometry files to this post.
plots.xml (223 Bytes)
materials.xml (1.5 KB)
geometry.xml (127.2 KB)

Hey @oyardas2. On one of your lattices, you have a <lower_left> that includes the value 1.08221785365e-312. The problem is that IEEE-754 doubles have a range of about [2e-308, 1.8e308], meaning that particular value is too small to be represented using a double (hence the std::out_of_range exception getting thrown when that value is passed to std::stod).

Thanks @paulromano. That definitely was an issue. I’m not sure why my script would not just set that to 0.