Dear Openmc experts,
I am doing flux calculation on my ADS problem which external source has been used, I have tally flux in fuel_cell and coolant_cell and I got tallie.out fine but the values came all zeroes. I thought it was a problem with my external source(attached below), but I still not sure about my tallie. Would it bother if you could check my tallie?
Edited: I’ve tried to replace the external source with a uniform source bound box and finally, the flux is not zero anymore!!. But I still confuse about using an external source, please give me a suggestion.
This is what I use for replacing an external source:
bounds = [-155, -155, -155, 155, 155, 155]
uniform_dist = openmc.stats.Box(bounds[:3], bounds[3:], only_fissionable=True)
settings.source = openmc.Source(space=uniform_dist) (7.4 KB)
my tallies output
my external source
Edited script:
tally output (not external source) (7.6 KB)
Thanks in advance,