Hello everyone,
I’m currently performing some simple calculations in multi-group mode, aiming to extract group flux
and current
I’m considering a 2D square made with only one material and vacuum boundary condition, with side 100 cm and a regular mesh 40x40. For the current
score, as the documentation sugest, I’m using a MeshSurfaceFilter
My question is related to the current value at the boundary: since vacuum
BC is applied, it is expected a score of 0 particles incoming. However, the outgoing score (i.e., the number of particles that crosses the surface from the square to the vacuum) should not be zero.
For all the test I performed, the outgoing score at the boundary is either 0 or has magnitude 1e-8, making it negligible with respect to its neighbour cell.
It seems that the MeshSurfaceFilter do not catch the crossing toward the vacuum. What do you think about that?