Hi everyone,
I’m currently running a full-cycle depletion calculation with multiple time steps, and the entire simulation requires my computer to run continuously for nearly 12 hours. I was wondering if there is a way to start the depletion calculation from a specific time step using the results from previous steps. This would be incredibly helpful, as it’s challenging to keep my PC running for such extended periods.
I’m fairly new to OpenMC, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Juan Pablo.
HI Meretta, welcome to the community.
I think the long running time for a depletion calculation is quite normal but it depends on your calculation model: a detailed model with many depletable materials will need more time to solve, also the computing power will affect your depletion running time. that’s why our PC at the office usually turns on for a long period when doing depletion calculations, and I recommend you use a dedicated high-spec PC or your local high-performance computer HPC for this kind of long depletion run.
But about restarting the depletion calculation, I think this notebook for simple depletion calculation can help you extract your depletable material composition during specific time steps and then use that information to rerun the depletion calculation.
depletion.ipynb (320.1 KB)
chain_simple.xml (4.7 KB)
I am creating a model using the XML file which then uses the model to continue the depletion calculation, which is then compared to a long depletion calculation.

there is some difference such as at step 6 from a long run, the kinf 1.41409, while the restart from step 6 gives 1.41513. that’s around 100 pcm difference on a calculation that has a 150 pcm stdev, so I think it could be considered good enough.