I need some help to built the core of a small modular reactor with 61 Fuel Assemblies. I know how to do one (by the way, its form is hexagonal) fuel assembly. The trouble is how do join 61…
I appreciate if anyone could help me.
Thanks everyone
You can place lattices into their own lattices, so in this case, you’d define a few hex lattices for the fuel assemblies first. Then, notice that the overall core is a hex lattice of hex lattices. So, make a larger hex lattice, each filled with a hex lattice assembly you’ve defined already.
If you’re not able to figure it out, feel free to post your input and I can provide some more hints.
I need help with something similar too. If anyone can provide a source code or something that would be great.
Hello Gridley. Thanks for helping me. I tried to do what you told me to. My difficulty is in the programming. Each element of this new lattice is a lattice ( of assembly). And there is the problem. Because lattice.universes when multiplied raises an error:
TypeError: Error setting lattice universes: Found an iterable at [0, 0, 0], items in that iterable exceed the maximum depth of 3. (???)
Please, see how i programmed my rings of assemblies:
And lattice.universes is defined as: lattice.universes = [outer_ring, ring_1, ring_2, ring_3, ring_4,ring_5,
hm, I’d have to see how you defined lattice.universes24 and so on to understand what’s going on. In the mean time, here’s an example of a nested hex lattice made from OpenMC’s included hex lattice example. All I did was nest the example from openmc/examples/lattice/hex
inside another hex lattice. Notice that you have to first create a cell of infinite extent to fill with a lattice, then put that in its own universe. Then, in the outermost nested lattice, you should put that universe containing the cell that contains the inner lattice. It’s the stuff around line 100 you’re interested in.
build_xml.py (5.7 KB)
Ok. I’ll try and if I do not do it I’ll send you my entire code. Is it a problem to you?
Thank you very much.
And, by the way, I appreciate your effort in helping me.
Sounds good on both things. And no problem, I’m happy to help get more people using OpenMC for cool projects. The only thing I’d ask in return is that we hear feedback to potentially improve the code.