Simulation Triso

Hi all, I’m new to OpenMC. I’m simulating Triso particles in the SMR core. I have created Triso in fuel rod and 17*17 fuel assembly just like this.

But, when I created it in the core. It shows like this.


Has anyone have ever created Triso in the core? Help me, please.
This is my script. (20.4 KB)

Thank you.

Hi Yos, here is an example of TRISO particles in OpenMC: Jupyter Notebook Viewer


Thank you @mkreher13 for your reply. Now, I can solve it. I have another question that I have tried to simulate triso at dimention of triso outer radius of micrometer but it shows kernel died. How can I simulate triso at dimention of micrometer?

I’m not entirely sure what the issue is, but I suggest that you start with the OpenMC TRISO example, and then change one thing at a time to slowly migrate it over to your specific dimensions. By making changes one at a time, you can identify what issues are causing the error.

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Thank you so much for your suggession.