Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hi, all,

settings.inactive = 20
settings.batches = 60
settings.particles = 1000
there is no fault desplayed.

when I improved the batches up to 100, it shows segmentation fault (core dumped), then I followed the munual, build-debug, the problem still exists.

Any advice? thanks!

Hi JiangJiang,
have you tried to check your geometry? you might want to check if there are some overlapping cells in your geometry using the geometry debug feature of openmc

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Thanks a lot. It’s useful. :blush: :blush:

Hey, can you send me the input? Even if it was a geometry error, ideally we should catch all errors before they become segfaults. I think find the cause and add a new error catcher to the code!

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[quote=“jiangjiang, post:5, topic:4521, full:true”]
It’s two sorry,after I ask the author that owns the code of the model, I can’t give you the source input.
Much sorry and thanks.