I am trying to homogenize multiple universe XS using the get_homogenized_xs() function for various XS. I noticed that the ScatterProbabilityMatrix.get_flux() throws an error which then breaks get_homogenized_xs() further down the line. Is there anyway to do a quick hotfix for this - even locally in a conda openmc installation? I attached a very simple example notebook showing this error.
example.ipynb (15.9 KB)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[20], line 1
----> 1 scatteringProb.get_flux()
File ~/mambaforge3/envs/openmc-env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openmc/mgxs/mgxs.py:1262, in MGXS.get_flux(self, groups, subdomains, order_groups, value, squeeze, **kwargs)
1260 else:
1261 msg = “MGXS of Type {} do not have an explicit weighting flux!”
→ 1262 raise ValueError(msg.format(self.name))
1264 flux = tally.get_values(filters=filters, filter_bins=filter_bins,
1265 nuclides=[‘total’], value=value)
1267 # Eliminate the trivial score dimension
AttributeError: ‘ScatterProbabilityMatrix’ object has no attribute ‘name’