Difference between Scatter and ScatterMatrixXS

Hi all,
I used OpenMC to calculate the pin-wised homogeneous MGXS. I found that there are two types of scattering XS (ScatterXS and ScatterMatrixXS). However, I found that there are some differences. For two-group MGXS, the summation of ScatterMatrixXS \Sigma_{s,1-1}+\Sigma_{s,1-2} is not equal to \Sigma_{s,1} of ScatterXS. I have no idea whether there are the same values or I have the wrong understanding. Could you give me some advice?

I’m not very sure about this, but maybe there’s a transport correction in ScatterMatrixXS

Thank you for your advice, I’ll try P0 approximation to compare whether they can be the same.

The ScatterMatrix transport correction is on by default, (If the order is zero and a P0 transport-correction is applied (default)) openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS — OpenMC Documentation
maybe try it by turning it off

Thank you. I will try it.