Radial power profile in a pincell depletion example

Hello developers,
I am just starting to learn using openmc with the pincell depletion example. A basic result I expect is the steep radial power profile in the pellet at high burnups. I searched the forum but did not see similar threads about plotting the radial profile. Now I know how to extract the fission rate tally data from statepoint file at each depletion timestep, like “openmc_simulation_nxx.h5”. But the radial profile of fission rate at the end step of the depeltion calculation seems incorrect, because the end time is arbitarily set to 1000 day, so the radial profile should be steeper than that in Figure_2.png? Or some other settings must be missing,
Attached are the scripts I modified based on the depletion example input.
plot_fission.py (2.0 KB)
run_depletion.py (6.8 KB)
Any help is appreaciated, thanks,


I think that your simulation is calculating the tally at 0 burnup, without taking depletion into consideration.