I am running a pincell calculation to understand radial flux variation along with depletion. Thus, I prepared a case dividing a 2D PWR pincell into 10 depletion zone. To obtain more accurate results, I use the whole endf71 decay and fission yield library to generate the chain.xml file. However, although with 10,000 particles per batch, the simulation is pretty slow on a small cluster with 56 omps (I haven’t test if it could be faster if I ruduces the omp nums). I would like to know is there a way to accelerate the simulation?
One more thing, I plan to run the silulation on a better cluster using slurm, I am confusing when run a depletion calculation with slurm, how could I specific the .sh file so that number of omps is controlled? Is there any example bash file that I can refer to?
Below is an example of slurm script I used on our computer cluster. The “dep.py” python script specified below can be the sample pin cell depletion input. Just note that mpi4py is required in this case.
You may need to build HDF5 with support for parallel I/O in order to get it working properly for depletion simulations run in parallel. See details here.