Hello, I’m starting to use OpenMC and trying to run all the Reactor examples, nonetheless I have an issue with carbon… When looking at the examples the openmc.run() gives at some point:
“Reading C0 from /Users/miriamrathbun/codes/openmc/nucleardata/endfb71_hdf5/C0.h5”
I downloaded the cross_sections file from ENDF/B-VII.1 and it does have the C0 file for carbon, now my issue is that when I run the example in m computer I get:
"Reading C12 from /home/liliana/Desktop/FRMII/neutron/C0.h5
ERROR: Object “C12” does not exist in object / "
I’ve changed the file name to C12 to see if maybe that was the issue, I’ve tried changing the names/routes but nothing works so far.