Porting mesh-tally hdf results to vtk


In the manual (maybe an older version) there was a utility (openmc-statepoint-3d?) to convert the tally results (hdf5) to vtk for easy visualization. I’m looking for a similar feature in the recent version but I didn’t find a script in openmc/scrits that can do the conversion (looks like openmc-voxel-to-vtk does it for geometry and openmc-track-to-vtk does it for neutron tracks). Is the mesh tally results to vtk still supported by the recent openMC? Maybe in a different approach?


Hi Yuxuan,

openmc-statepoint-3d script is currently out-of-date. It hasn’t been updated since late 2015. Patrick Shriwise, Jonathan Shimwell, Andrew Davis are working on this to bring it back. Another option, you can use " plotter " tools to convert the tally results (hdf5) to vtk for easy visualization with paraview or visit.

Here is a link to the latest effort. I think it is about ready to go into the main repo




Thanks Jonathan and Ariful! I’ll give it a try.


Just in case anyone is interested converting mesh tallies to vtk I have been working on a python package.

pip install openmc-mesh-tally-to-vtk