I am currently working on, what will eventually be a full BWR core, 10x10 structure. I have already got a working 10x10 cell structure that works just fine.
However; now I am on the next step , which is the inclusion of cruciform blades within the system. To take this next step, I am currently attempting a 2x2 10x10 assembly with a cruciform blade in the center.
As it stands, this has been quite difficult to say the least given the blades shape.
Any assistance will be extremely appreciated. I am more than willing to post the final code in a github for all once I get the full core working; in hopes to assist future endeavors.
ROD_ASSEM.py (21.3 KB)
Thank you, for your assistance
I hope you get all the help you need, just out of curiosity, are using cubit to build the geometry ? if not, how are you viewing the geometry as displayed in the image.
And as per replicating the cruciform blade, haven’t you thought about making a universe out of that specific shape, then putting that universe into a cell, then including that cell with the cell of the cell that contains the first fuel element before replication using a lattice in a final universe and replicating it ?
So , I had to pivot a bit–currently focusing on coupling the 10x10 with an SCA code for the project, so this will be an issue later down the line, however; I am using paraview to view the geometries, the GitHub - fusion-energy/neutronics-workshop: A workshop covering a range of fusion relevant analysis and simulations with OpenMC, DAGMC, Paramak and other open source fusion neutronics tools
github has been amazing in setting up the visualizations. I’ve found better results when visualizing through that, than anything else since I can slice it up and really look at the geometries.
I haven’t thought of that but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind. Cubit?
I tried putting fuel assemblies in a lattice with a pitch that exceeded the size length of the assemblies so that there would be a gap between them for defining separate objects, but the lattice cell seems to override anything I try to define in that region. This leaves 2 options:
Manually code the core lattice to bypass the override issue (not preferable).
Include the L shaped portion of the control blade that borders each 10x10 assembly in the assembly universe. In order to change the control blade height, the z height of all 4 parts of the blade would have to be modified in the code (not too big of a deal). This would however require copies of geometries as every assembly that borders a control blade would have to be a unique universe instance. This isn’t too bad; I’ve had to do it before. Using this method a lattice can still be used for the core, so it should be significantly better than option 1.
So I have since solved this issue, I shall post my code for the two by two, can be utilized I will not lie I did . I’ve since moved on to the full core, which is up; but there are some issues with overlapping geometries I am moving through.
BWR4X4ASSEM.py (29.4 KB)
The benefit of doing it the way I did it however; is it gives me full control over the rod movement within the assembly with relative ease. I plan on scaling this up to hopefully fully simulate control blade pattern movements. I ended up getting slightly overzealous with it. I appreciate the guidance.