Neutron Inelastic Scattering

HI everyone,

The doc is a little unclear to me : What happen to neutron having inelastic scattering reaction ? Does the code continue the tracking of the neutron out ? Is it considered like a new neutron (new track) or the continuation of the same track as the input neutron. How is it taken into account in the kcoll estimator ?

When I compare my openmc results with my own Geant4 code, I have a slight difference (1%) on the keff. But in my G4 code, I simulate neutrons coming out of inelastic scattering reactions in the same batch with the same track. I have around 1% of produced inelastic neutrons in my test case so I assume the difference may come from there.

I use ENDF8 for for codes.

Update : My model has a lot of carbon in it. After some research, I found that special models must be used when modeling neutron carbon interaction → Low Energy Charged Particle Interactions — Physics Reference Manual 11.2 documentation

Is that model used in openmc ? I found nothing in the documentation.

Hi Ferney,

yes/no, OpenMC only simulates transport of neutrons and photons.

The loss term of the neutron will be accounted for, but charged particles will not be produced and transported. (tritons, alphas, etc)

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