Keff dependence on temperature


I want to calculate keff at 1600 degree Celsius. How to do it in OpenMc.

Kirti Singla

Hi Kirti,

The ENDF/B-VII.1 library distributed here has data at 1200 K and 2500 K. What you can do is set the default temperature in your problem to (1600 + 273) K and then use interpolation between those two temperatures. Your Python input will look like:

settings = openmc.Settings
settings.temperature = {
‘default’: 1600.0 + 273.0,
‘method’: ‘interpolation’

If you want to use our multipole data, you can also set settings.temperature[‘multipole’] = True. This will give you more accurate cross sections in the resolved resonance range because with multipole, no interpolation is necessary (however, it’s still needed for the unresolved resonance range and for thermal scattering).

One last thing to keep in mind is that the data I’ve linked to above requires OpenMC 0.11 (or the latest developmental version).

Best regards,