Dear experts,
I don’t have thermal scattering data in 300,900 and1800 kelvin .if any body has this, please help me with that. other wise ,tell me how i can do that easily.i can’t do it using NJOY.
Hi @MehediMurad, and welcome to the forum! The issue of temperature availability for thermal scattering data has been previously discussed here:
Let me know if you still have questions after referring to that post.
Thanks @paulromano for your helpful reply. Moreover,i have seen many european and japanese benchmark. There is no thermal scattering data in data library on most of the temperatures provided on those benchmark problems.How do the participants solve those benchmark problems?
In the case where you have thermal scattering data at two temperatures T1 and T2 that bound the actual temperature at which you want cross sections for, you can tell OpenMC to interpolate between the temperatures at which data is available:
settings = openmc.Settings()
settings.temperature = {
'method': 'interpolation'
thanks again. in OpenMc users guide you have written that ‘the script described above’.
where are the scripts?are you referring the scripts in the following link or anything else??
Yes, some of the scripts that now live in that data
repository used to be part of the main OpenMC distribution. I’ll submit a fix for the manual to reflect this.